My 15-year-old daughter was diagnosed with sensory integration deficits in proprioceptive and vestibular areas when she was four and a half years old. In many ways, her difficulties and challenges mirrored other conditions in the autism spectrum. She started kindergarten on an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and was in occupational therapy for two to three hours per week.
She has struggled with school, as well as everyday life tasks, for most of her life. She showed a passion for horses very early on and we were able to keep her progressing in her therapy through hippo therapy (horseback riding). Although we continue to ride, the progression has slowed.
Upon entering high school in September 2009, my daughter had been in public, private and home school. I had tried everything I knew to help her be successful, but there were still areas of concern.
In December 2009, we were introduced to the Life Vessel. After three, one week treatments over three month’s time, she is showing improvement in many areas: reasoning, emotional stability, and ability to deal with life changes to name a few.
She is happier, feels better and is showing progress in school. I would recommend the Life Vessel to anyone who is looking for a healthier, happier and more capable child.
Gretchen J. (Kiersten’s Mom)
Disclaimer: The statements, testimonials and services provided about the Life Vessel are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness. This information has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.