“The Life Vessel has been a blessing for our practice, both financially and, more importantly, for the health of our patients. We have seen beneficial results that continue to amaze us every day.”
My wife and I became aware of the Life Vessel almost by chance in May of this year. We operate a clinic in Santa Rosa, California devoted to Ayurveda and Chiropractic care. Due to health reasons, I have been retired from the practice for several years. In 2008, I had a stroke and another one in 2011. I was having the same symptoms I had just before the earlier strokes – fatigue, shortness of breath and wheezing. I was unable to walk more than a quarter of a mile without being winded. It was truly a last ditch effort which led us to the Life Vessel Center in Santa Barbara. I realized about fifteen minutes into the first session that something truly wonderful was happening. I noticed my breathing had slowed to deep, slow and rhythmic. I began to deeply relax in a way I am sure I had never experienced before.
The upshot of my first four sessions was that I felt an incredible burst of energy. I found that I could now walk three to four miles without being winded. I was able to stay awake with energy into the late evening. My sleep was deep and restful. My mood improved tremendously. I had energy to live again.
We immediately knew that we wanted to purchase a Life Vessel for our clinic. A patient suggested that we “pre-sell” appointments to finance the Life Vessel purchase. We were initially skeptical that this would work with out patients until he pulled his credit card and paid for 12 sessions each for both him and his wife. He grinned at us and said, “Now get to work!”
Long story short, we were able to pre-sell enough appointments to pay the down payment for the Life Vessel ahead of time. We continued to book appointments so that we were able to be in the black a week before we opened. We never looked back. We have been nearly booked solid for the two months we have been open. We see an average of 8 – 10 patients a day, seven days a week. We are open from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.
The Life Vessel has been a blessing for our practice, both financially and, more importantly, for the health of our patients. We have seen beneficial results that continue to amaze us every day.
Dr. Craig Thomas, D.C. – Life Vessel Owner
Santa Rosa, California
Disclaimer: The statements, testimonials and services provided about the Life Vessel are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness. This information has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.