I feel compelled to put into words what a huge difference the Life Vessel Center has made to my health.
As you know, I’ve been having sessions with the deep-penetrating laser, and those sessions have done wonders for my osteoarthritis-stricken fingers. The mobility is greater and the pain has diminished. But most importantly, the swelling/inflammation has gone down in most fingers. They look absolutely normal on one hand, and the other is greatly improved as well. What an amazing machine! I’m now able to golf and I can again get my wedding ring on.
The sessions in the Life Vessel have done several things for me, but the most important have been heart-related. For about a decade I’ve had high blood pressure, and I was on medication for a number of years. The extreme relaxation and re-balancing of my autonomic nervous system that takes place in the Life Vessel has lowered my blood pressure substantially – and it has stayed down.
Also, the Ansar Heart Rate Variability monitor, which you use to get a reading at the beginning of the sessions and then at the end, gave me proof-positive that the Life Vessel has improved my health. My irregular/skipped heart beats went from 56 down to 5. Truly incredible, and my cardiologist couldn’t believe it.
So thanks VERY much for all that you and your wonderful staff do for patients like me. I am most indebted to you.
Disclaimer: The statements, testimonials and services provided about the Life Vessel are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness. This information has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.